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SCHISM tutorials

Tutorials on SCHISM applications and utility scripts

Get started now Contribute to the tutorial on GitHub

Before you start

This tutorial site was initially intended as a collection of SCHISM users’ experience on different applications. Since the publication of SCHISM’s online manual, contents that are suitable for new users have been moved there. We will continue to use this repository for applications that are more advanced or not ready for public dissemination but may be included in the SCHISM manual in the future.

New users should visit the SCHISM website and read the SCHISM Manual first. Also check the user forum and see if your questions have already been answered.


See information on acquiring and compile the SCHISM code.

Contributing to this tutorial site

You are welcome to add a tutorial of your own SCHISM application by committing to the Github repository of this tutorial. The VIMS team will quality-check the new additions periodically.

We recommend that you use markdown instead of HTML to (1) accomodate for the people who are not familiar with HTML, so that everybody can make changes to or build on your tutorial; (2) keep the source code and page layout simple for the VIMS team to check.

For more details, check the guidance in Share your own tutorials.