The VIMS group is migrating most pre/post-precessing utiliies to Python-based tools, e.g., PySCHISM and Pylibs. Setting up a python environment enables you to take advantage of these readily-made tools.
We recommend using conda or mamba to manage your python environment.
Example for W&M’s Sciclone
Install Mamba from scratch
We don’t recommend using the conda module provided by SciClone, because you may run into permission issues or get confused with different conda versions on different subclusters.
Follow these steps to set up Mamba from scratch:
Select a subcluster (femto is the latest; the environment will be usable on all subclusters after installation)
Get the installer from mambaforge:
wget https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh
Install (e.g., under your home directory):
chmod +x Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh
if necessary; yes to all installer questions
Autoload Mamba base environment upon logon
Append the content of this file
to the end of your~/.cshrc
This step is required because Mamba does not have the option to write the ‘.cshrc’ directly.Add one more line
conda activate base
at the end of the .cshrc file,
Install tool set
Select the ones you need:
Install ipython
mamba install ipython
Install PySCHISM
Test Installation: type ipython
, then in ipython: from pyschism.mesh import Hgrid
If warnings appear, you can try these steps to fix them (or leave them be):
pip uninstall shapely
conda install -c conda-forge- geos
pip install shapely --no-binary shapely
Install Pylibs
Test Installation: type ipython
, then in ipython: import pylib